Your donation helps save lives.
​Your tax-deductible donation enables us to care for our current rescues and will help us to save even more lives.

Sponsor An Animal
Cow $200/mo.
Horse $150/mo.
Donkey $100/mo.
Pig $40/mo.
Bale of Hay $30/mo.
Shavings $10/mo.
Become A Monthly Sponsor
Do you love helping animals as much as we do? Would you like to be a part of rescuing animals but don’t have the time or space to do it yourself? You can still be a part of it by sponsoring one or more of these deserving animals and help them with their monthly care to include feed, bedding, vet care, hoof trimming, dental work, etc. You can also choose a general sponsorship package described below. This monthly sponsorship package can help sponsor a donkey, a mule, a horse or help with monthly hay and go towards regular vet visits.
Animal Kindness Package
This monthly sponsorship package can help with pig treats/snacks for the week (veggies, fruits, oats, etc.).
or more per month
Animal Compassion Package
This monthly sponsorship package can provide our miniature donkeys with warm bedding or go towards grain or minerals.
or more per month
Animal Love
This monthly sponsorship package helps out with feed or a farrier visit.
or more per month
Animal Angel
This monthly sponsorship package can help with monthly hay or go towards regular vet visits.
or more per month

You can also send a check to:
Healing Hearts Farm Sanctuary
P.O. Box 172
Keene, CA 93531
We are always looking for volunteers who are willing to donate their time to helping out the animals. There are so many ways to help our HHFS residents including feeding and cleaning stalls, animal care and socialization, maintenance or handy work around the property and barn, fundraising, helping out at events, and more. If you are interested in volunteering at Healing Hearts Farm Sanctuary please fill out an interest form.